Instagram Portafolio

Carolina Mendoza
5 min readDec 28, 2020

My Role: UX Researcher | Duration: 1Weeks | Project Status: Finished

Project Overview

The purpose of this research report is to find possible problems that users may have, based on a methodology and research.

The problem that we found after having carried out the investigation was that the users who used instagram sought to connect in a more professional way with other people who had the same profession, but we also realized that users tried to follow people that will bring them something important. We also observed that many of the people we interviewed went to instagram and then went to other platforms to find courses or classes that would help them develop skills.

To carry out this research I followed a methodology called the double diamond consisting of:

  • Discover
  • Define
  • Develop
  • Deliver.

Scope of Work

The main goal of this project was to discover a solution that will support the remote experience, and to redesign one aspect of remote communication within an existing mobile app.

Problem Space Statement

Due to the pandemic, screen time has gone up which we believe has negatively affected people’s physical and mental health. The increase in remote work has caused people to work neverending hours, making it harder to shut off and thrive in a work/life balance. Users need a way to maintain communication without sacrificing their physical and mental health.Our hypothesis is the following :

“People spend more time on screens which affects their physical and mental health”.

The assumptions we thought we based our investigation are the following.

● Users need to work harder to stimulate themselves when working remotely (workout/meditation etc.)

● Users are always on the clock work system

● People have developed higher levels of anxiety.

● People needed to invest in equipment to sit long hours of time ( a better chair helps avoid back pain)

Initial problem statement

How might we provide users with a healthy working model that is beneficial to their mental and physical health.

RESEARCH PHASE (Discover + Define)

Goal of Research (What we set out to validate)

Develop a function so that there is a network of creatives on instagramm.


We follow the double diamond methodology where we conduct several interviews with 5 members of approximately 10 minutes each.

Synthesis » Affinity Mapping

We carry out an affinity map to be able to sort, sift, combine and find patterns in our data.

We gather the most significant observations and group similar items together, we refined and finallt categorized them. We divided them into 9 categories and we found out that the plataform our users used the most the platform that our users use the most was Instagram.

Showcase Bussines

Track new followers

Learn new things

Track new followers

time managment

Fun to professional



Helathy Habit

Findings + Themes + Insights + Takeaways
The Insights we found were fllowing:

  • Users use instagram for inspiration for art.
  • People like to learn new stuff from the new people they follow.
  • People follow people that teach them something.


We created a persona to support and meet the needs and goals of our target audience.

Michelle is a freelance Graphic Designer, she likes to showcase her work on social media specially on instagram, she tries to connect with people that inspire her and people she can learn something from.

Revised Problem Statement

Even though our first hypothesis was invalid we ended up discovering new trends that guide us to find a new one, that set the direction for our new hypothesis.

How might we provide users with a space where they can find people with the same professions, connect with and learn from?

INSIGHT: We found out that “people like to learn new stuff from the new people they follow”.
PERSONA: Artist/ Graphic designers.
PROBLEM: People find it hard to find other poeple that actually they can learn something from.
GOAL: Space for knowledge.


People like to learn new stuff from the new people they follow. » Create a screen for portafolio and courses.

People follow people that teach them something.» See the portafolio from other designers.

People like to connect with other poeple » Connect with other creatives from the courses


After all the information collected and analyzed we began the ideation process.

MVP Reveal

We started by developing a new function that people would find in Instagram,

Our first sketches look like this:

Design Studio: Sketching + Concepting

in a form of an owl( that reperesnts knowledge) that users could easily find in the main menu of instagram, which will be called A Space for knowledge, the purpose of this function is to create an exclusive space for designers or creatives who are interested in connecting with other designers or even take courses so that our users can develop new skills.

Findings + Themes + Insights + Takeaways

In order to find new findings, we did 5 interviews of approximately 10 minutes each.

The owl icon on the low-fi was confusing users wanted to find new ways to connect to other creatives on a more personal way, without the need to shedule a meetinng, they also wanted a more universal icon.

Mid-fidelity Screens (Wireframes — describe evolution of concept)

In the mid-fi design we incorporated the new design proposals that we had found in the interviews.

Findings + Themes + Insights + Takeaways
-A new icon that would have greater clarity for the user, in our case we decided to change it for glasses.

-Add a chat option so that the user could start a conversation with the user instead of scheduling an appointment with him.

Initial User Testing: First Round (What you tested, what you learned)

In the first round of testing we found that many of the users were still confused by the new feature on instagram, but believed that it was a necessary feature to be able to connect with other designers.

Findings + Themes + Insights + Takeaways
- The glasses icon was still confusing for some users.

Design Iterations: First Round (Annotations/Screen Flow)

Task Details Connect with other crea2ves and find courses that made you learn when users tap the glasses icon they would find the courses screen. • Analysis of testing — The glasses icon created confusion between users. • Recommendation — Change the glasses icon for something more universal Minor issue — Users found out that it was a nice feature to connect professionals

User Testing: Second Round

Findings + Recommendations

• Change the icon for something more universal.

• Delete message app and just leave the schedule meeting.

• Calendar screen should have a hint on days that are available.

